Savour the rich, tender flavour of our Bison Brisket. Leaner than beef, high in iron, and low in fat and cholesterol, bison offers a distinctively "sweet" flavour that pairs perfectly with slow-cooking methods. Brisket is a more challenging cut of meat, but this toughness can be softened with long, slow cooking, allowing the connective tissue to break down and transform into a rich, tender texture. It’s great for the smoker, cooked at low heat in the oven, or a slow cooker.
Perfect for family meals, special occasions, or meal prep, the Bison Brisket provides a hearty, nutritious alternative to traditional beef brisket. It’s the ideal choice for various delicious recipes, delivering flavour and tenderness with every bite.
We’ve partnered with Black Powder Bison Company to bring you their 100% grass-fed and finished bison. You can check them out at Black Powder Bison.