Duck Now Available!! Beef Bacon and Sliced Maple Smoked Turkey Lunch Meat on Sale for a limited time
$250 gift card

$250 gift card


Unfortunately, the functionality of the online gift cards is not working properly, but not to worry!  If you would like a gift card, simply email with a request for a gift card and the amount you would like and we will send it to you.  Thanks!

Our gift card comes in increments of $25 and you can purchase as many as you like.  Keep in mind that the person receiving the gift card must be within our distribution area (please get in touch if you have any questions about this) and that the regular fees for any orders less than $200 will apply (for example, if you purchase someone a gift card worth $50, when they make their order, if it is less than $20, a delivery fee of $20 will still apply to them). After you make your gift card order we will send you a card in the mail with a card that you can give to the recipient or if you prefer we can send it to you virtually.

NOTE: if you see a delivery fee associated with this purchase, please ignore it - we will not charge you a delivery fee when invoicing.  If you purchase a gift card as part of your order, the gift card purchase will not apply to the total of your order to determine if there will be a delivery fee or not.